First impression matters
Digitalise and optimise your onboarding – get more productive co-workers and create internal ambassadors.
Create the right conditions.
As a new employee, we want to feel welcomed by our new workplace and get the best foundations to succeed. As an employer, we always want the new employee to be comfortable from day one and stay for as long as possible within the company. A great onboarding is therefore a basis for the recruitment to be profitable for everyone involved.

Onboarding and preboarding
An onboarding process is to ensure that the new employees become well introduced, understand their role and assignments as well as to get to know their colleagues and work culture. But even before the onboarding starts it is important to get going with a preboarding which is the time between contract sign-off and the first day. During this time, you want to make sure that the employee gets the best opportunities and feels both wanted and motivated.
The better the preboarding and onboarding are, the faster the employee can get started and become productive, engaged, and motivated to contribute with value.
Onboarding can be a complex and time-consuming process, but it does not have to be that way. If your current process does not live up to your needs, it is time to start thinking about optimising it.
Ensure a great onboarding from start to finished
In today’s competitive market it becomes more crucial than ever to provide a great introduction for your new employees. Otherwise, there’s a risk of losing talents too soon. A poor onboarding experience can damage the reputation of the company, your employer brand and turnover.
We have the tools to ensure a great onboarding from start to finish, without it consuming too much of your time, cost and resources.
En digitaliserad onboardingprocess har många fördelar – den är inte bunden av tid eller plats, och medarbetaren kan välja att ta det i sin egen takt. Introduktionen kan börja redan innan medarbetarens första arbetsdag.
Med våra digitala verktyg för onlinemöten, webbaserade utbildningar och automatisering kan ditt företag skapa en bra och effektiv onboardingprocess att vara stolta över och ger dina medarbetare bästa möjliga förutsättningar att lyckas.
Automatiserad och strukturerad process – säkerställ en välkomnande, tydlig och strukturerad introduktion
All data på ett ställe – inget mer pappersarbete eller informationsöverflöd
Ge ett bra första intryck – få produktiva och motiverade medarbetare från dag ett som har rätt förutsättningar och skapa interna ambassadörer
Få rekryteringen att löna sig – minska turnover och skapa större värde
Se till att skapa ett första intryck som består när ni rekryterar nästa gång.
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