MTR focuses on candidate and employee experience
Matilda Sundelin started working at MTR three and a half years ago with the hope of implementing, improving and streamlining the HR management process.
– When I started working at MTR, we were at the starting point of developing many of our HR systems. The most important aspect was to enable communication between the systems, where the goal was data being able to flow through recruiting, pre- and onboarding, learning performance and offboarding. It was important to find the possibility to gather everything under one roof.
Streamline your recruitment process
In the last couple of years, Matilda has mostly focused on developing processes for recruitment. She describes the importance of constantly moving forward and finding new ways to improve processes.
– We constantly want to find ways to streamline and improve the processes we work in to fit our needs even better. It is great to see the internal development and how we all have been challenged to think differently regarding certain aspects. Dare to change, improve and exclude, we have gotten really good at.
To gather all HR-processes at a company with a lot of employees within the HR team – a total of 6300 employees, requires compatible systems, processes and teamwork.
– Right now we’re doing an internal reorganisation in order to have a joint recruitment function throughout the company that supports all recruitment within MTR. This will provide a lot of synergies and I look forward to lear even more from each other.
– This will result in both time and cost efficiency. For our learning and performance processes, the HR department for every feature is responsible for their own activities. But the process is the same for everyone. Our HR-partners and Manager closely collaborate in order to constantly move forward.
Salary + recruitment + onboarding = true
Of course, it takes time to gather all parts, but Matilda and the HR team have a clear plan for what the next step entails.
– We have great expectations of now being able to integrate our recruitment system with our pre- and onboarding. Both large and small parts will be streamlined and remove double work. One example is that we’ll be able to send ready-made employee agreements from the recruitment system to the onboarding portal and salary system. This removes the manual process in between which is an important part of the journey toward creating even more value for the candidate and employer journey.

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